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Our customized soil contamination testing in Melbourne for business and household clients might be helpful if you need to know the danger of contamination on your land or site for any reason, including purchasing or selling land, installing water pipes, producing vegetables, or just for curiosity’s sake. During soil contamination testing Melbourne, we can sample the soil as part of our evaluation, or we can give you a soil testing kit so you may collect samples on your own.
Following testing of your soil samples in our UKAS-accredited lab, we can either provide laboratory results in a brief report or more in-depth analysis, including interpretations pertinent to your particular site or project and, if necessary, a recommendation for additional work or remediation.
Laboratory Soil Contamination Testing Melbourne – We can test soil samples for a wide range of contaminants in our lab, including PCBs, which may be present in areas close to electrical substations, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons, which are frequently found on brownfield sites. Simply describe your circumstance to us, and we will either develop an appropriate suite of contamination tests or conduct soil contamination testing Melbourne in accordance with your exact request.
Although we provide a quick and convenient soil contamination testing Melbourne service that is totally customized to meet your unique needs, we have highlighted a few typical tasks that we frequently assist our clients with. Keep in mind that we can adjust our soil contamination testing services to meet your unique needs.
Why Quantitative fit testing is required?
Quantitative fit testing is used for any full-face or tight-fitting respirator. It calculates the fit factor by measuring leakage around the respirator’s face seal using a tool called a Portacount. This fit factor provides information on whether the chosen respirator provides the user with adequate protection. Quantitative fit testing is the industry standard for employees who are exposed to hazardous particles at work.
Our quantitative fit testing service guarantees that the respiratory protective equipment (RPE) under test seals to the user’s face in an adequate manner.
We have eight PortaCounts, three on-site vehicles, and numerous certified fit test professionals. The new OSHA Fast Fit Testing Protocol allows for a fit test that is quicker, more effective, and minimizes downtime.
We may conduct testing at a time that works for you at our office or at your location, and we can offer training and respirators on the day of the test. Call our office to discuss how we can collaborate with you to make sure your testing is legal, effective, and economical.